Welcome to Chinese Association of Mississauga

The Chinese Association of Mississauga (CAM) is a non-profit organization and a registered charity organization. With over 40 years of record of experience serving the local communities, CAM has always been dedicated to promoting Chinese culture and showcasing both traditional and modern Chinese civilization.

LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, and is a free language training program for all newcomers to Canada. We offer training for basic language skills to improve your English.

We provide Level 1 ~ 5 classes, as well as free daycare services for students who have children aged 19-months to 6-years old. We also provide free bus tickets for qualified students.

Client must have valid PR Card or PR confirmation letter (landing paper).

LINC Class Hours:

Monday to Friday: 12:00 PM – 3:15 PM


Recent News

MEDIA RELEASE                                                     June 09th, 2024

Chinese Association of Mississauga Builds Resilience and Sustainability Thanks to $179,500 Ontario Government Grant

Mississauga, ON – On Sunday, local MPP Natalia Kusendova met with the team at Chinese Association of Mississauga to hear more about the $179,500 Resilient Communities Fundgrant they received from the provincial government’s Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF).

“Programs and projects like these are essential to our community, so I am delighted that the Chinese Association of Mississauga was awarded a Resilient Communities Fund grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation,” said Natalia Kusendova-Bashta, MPP for Mississauga Centre. “This funding provides a wonderful opportunity for this outstanding association to continue giving back to our community.”

The grant was used to initiate three new programs: a Chinese Painting Class, a Dance class and a Taichi class, which started in June 2023 and will run until May 2025. In addition to these programs, the funding allowed the purchase of essential equipment to help run and maintain the programming.

“The Centre is the go-to place for people in the community to socialize,” said Ricky Zhen, Chair of the Chinese Association of Mississauga. “Thanks to the $179,500 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, people from the community will have more opportunities to socialize and share insights with each other. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to give back to the community,”

The Chinese Association of Mississauga is committed to preserving this space and ensuring that it remains accessible for many community activities over the course of the year. If you wish to enquire about using the space for your meeting or hosting an event, please visit the website at: http://chineseassociationmississauga.com.

“Whether it’s helping people learn new things, connect with their community, or simply have fun, organizations like the Chinese Association of Mississauga deliver experiences that make a difference,” said Stan Cho, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Gaming. “That’s why grant support through the Ontario Trillium Foundation is so important. This funding will help ensure Chinese Association of Mississauga remains at the heart of the community for decades to come.”

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is an agency of the Ontario government with a mission to build healthy and vibrant communities across the province. Last year, OTF invested more than $110M into 1,044 community projects and multi-sector partnerships. Projects aim to enhance economic well-being, foster more active lifestyles, support child and youth development, provide spaces for people to come together and connect, and create a more sustainable environment. Visit otf.ca to learn more.

Organization Contact for Media Inquiries:

Kevin Mao, Program coordinator

Chinese Association of Mississauga

905-275-8558 cam.mississauga8@gmail.com

905-275-8558 cam.mississauga8@gmail.com

Culture Event update:

2024 Carassauga

Carassauga Festival has celebrating Canadian multiculturalism since 1986 in City of Mississauga. Recognized as Canada’s largest multicultural Festival, Carassauga’s vision is to organize a city-wide family friendly multicultural festival suitable for all ages to promote understanding, respect and co-operation among all Canadians of different heritage. Carassauga operated for the first time in 1986 with 10 Pavilions, initially operating only on Saturday and Sunday. It was created in response to a challenge put out by the former Mayor Hazel McCallion to all ethno cultural groups at a meeting of her calling in the old City Hall in the fall of 1985. In 2024, there will be 25 pavilions present many different cultures included China Pavilion. Chinese Association of Mississauga has proudly host Carassauga China Pavilion for over 38 years.


中华文化源远流长,五千的历史长河孕育了无数璀璨的优秀文化。密西沙加华人协会是中国馆的主办方,40年以来一直以来不余遗力的推广中华文化,展示中国的传统文化和现代文明。中国馆设有各种展示摊位,包括中国历史文化展示、艺术品展示、手工艺品展示等。参观者可以欣赏到精美的中国艺术品,品尝到正宗的中国美食,观看中国传统音乐和舞蹈表演等。 此外,中国馆还提供一些互动活动,例如学习书法、折纸等传统手工艺。 密西沙加多元文化节中国馆是一个了解中国文化和传统的绝佳机会,同时也是一个互动和体验中国文化的好地方。 借此文化节之机我们通过中华美食、中华文化展示和精彩的文艺节目向加拿大各族人民展示中华优秀传统文化,让各个族裔的民众在加拿大足不出户就可以感受到中华文化的精彩魅力。感谢各位贵宾和观众光临中国文化馆,希望中国馆让你们在2024年留下美好的回忆。

密西沙加华人协会作为密市历史最悠久的非盈利和慈善华人组织已经为大多地区华人社区提供了超过40年的社区服务,作为文化节中国馆的主办方我协会现在进行摊位和赞助招商,文化节门票销售,以及义工招聘和文艺节目征集工作,联系人Ricky Zhen 电话 647-982-6733 905-275-8558. 电邮 zhenrf@gmail.com.

日期:Festival Date: 25-26 May 2024

地点:Location: Paramount Fine Foods Centre – Rink 2 / 5500 Rose Cherry Place (north of Matheson Blvd East, one block east of Kennedy Rd)

门票价格:加币15,可以参观包含中国馆在内的全部25个场馆,凭门票可以在节日的周末免费搭乘密西沙加公共巴士。购票请向 办公室联系905-275-8558。

CAM office Operation update:

Our office is now opened to public during office hour. Client with special request requires appointment please feel free to contact us before you come to the office.

Our office hour will be Monday – Friday, 9AM – 5PM

Office contact number:(905)275-8558
Email: info@chineseassociationmississauga.com

All Activities Update:

Office Service : Opened for client with appointment

ESL/LINC Class – Both ESL & LINC classes we are providing in-person class and online classes with ZOOM now. Please contact us for more information.

Senior Program & All CAM Member Activities – Please contact the office for the schedule.

You can also contact our staff with following email address:

OFFICE – info@ChineseAssociationMississauga.com

Latest Articles

Carassauga China Pavilion 2023

We are currently looking for volunteers for the China pavilion at Carassauga 2023 for any day between Friday May 27 and Sunday May 28. If you are interested, please contact our office at 905-275-8558.